If you just had a color draping done and have arrived home with your new fan, you are probably a mixture of excited, overwhelmed, surprised, or possibly disappointed. None of those emotions are right or wrong. Certainly, if you are very pleased with the results-that’s great! The process of beginning your beauty routine and wardrobe switch will be made easier.
What if your feelings are more negative, even bordering or fully on contempt?
First step:
You can wear any color/any palette/anything you want to! This is NOT about taking away. This is about choosing the best of the best. If there is an item you own, or a few things you love that don’t fit the new palette, by all means-keep and enjoy them.
Think back to your draping session. If your consultant was diligent, you know how you ended up in the seasonal category that suits you. For example, a cinnamon rust from your Dark Autumn palette really matched who you are. That fuchsia pink you always liked left you looking cold and was very aging. Better feelings about your seasonal category may begin to emerge once you take the time to reflect on it.
Choose a section of your palette that you like. Maybe it’s the neutral tones. It could even be the blues or greens. Do the lipstick colors catch your eye? This is a good place to start. Notice how the other colors surrounding them harmonize together.
Start SMALL. I recommend the following:
3 t shirts, or blouses.
3 lipsticks. If you are afraid of the brighter colors (common in Winter based seasons) a sheer balm or gloss might feel more comfortable.
2 nail polishes.
Don’t expand into anything else.
Listen for unsolicited feedback when wearing these items. It could be something as simple as, “Did you go on vacation? You seem so well-rested.” It could even be that how people interact with you changes in a positive way. YOU may feel better about YOU!!
Get on Pinterest and look up your seasonal category. Don’t just look at collages of clothing, but explore interior design, nature and flowers in those colors. It will help you see what’s possible.
Give yourself plenty of time, at least 3-6 months to get used to your palette.
My take: If, after all of this you STILL do not like anything about your colors, don’t feel obligated to wear them. In this case, stick to what you have an affinity for. I’m of the belief that, if you don’t ever see yourself liking your seasonal category, it might not be the right one to begin with.